Scott Graham

The EMS (European Multiclient Survey)

Benefit from our multiclient survey that provides data regarding European public opinion with breakdowns of main socio-geographical areas, gender, age, educational level, profession, economic status, and political orientation.
Ask your own question in this survey and receive your dedicated and confidential European data quickly and with reduced costs.


5.000 interviews


the sample is distributed proportionally to the population of the 27 EU countries with a slight correction to allow analysis on the pan-European level and 5 different areas: Germany, France, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe (+ separate data for Italy and Spain which are part of Southern Europe)


Report delivered within 15 days from the beginning of the survey


from €5.000 for 2 questions, €10.000 for 5 questions

Christian Lue

We conduct online, telephone or face-to-face interviews all over the EU27.
With the help of our partners in around ten European countries, we cover all the zones and countries of the EU, combining our expertise in global issues on a European scale with our specific knowledge of each country.